Hajj & Umrah
Many of you have read my book “Getting the best out of Al-Hajj”. Needless to say, helping people make their journey to the house of Allah and answer His call is one of my biggest passions in life!
Helping the needy in my backyard is something I have always believed strongly in. I am currently the National Manager of the National Zakat Foundation Australia and this allows me to wake up each day knowing I can help you help those in need right here in Australia.
Social Services
My wife and I undertake a number of social initiatives including foster parenting, marriage counselling, helping people find partners, advice on schooling, working overseas, professional mentoring, leadership and much more.
Why do I call the above my passions?
About Me
Achieve – I believe that we are all special and we need to harness our gifts and skills in a positive way to make a difference in our own lives and the broader community. There is no benefit in sitting back and criticising and think the world owes us a living. I help people believe that are able to achieve.
Motivate – As a highly self -motivated person, I teach people how to try and remain positive and motivated everyday.
Inspire – In order to inspire you need to lead by example and be passionate. I do my best to Inspire people in the things I believe in and have responsibility for.
Discover - I love discovering new things and ideas and I encourage people to be inquisitive and discover the world and the best in mankind.